Alla inlägg den 16 december 2014

Av loren adams - 16 december 2014 20:36

I will keep loving you everyday and nothing can change the Love i have for you

i feel warm in my heart and i do love you


Av loren adams - 16 december 2014 14:49

Here you can see the meat hanging in the open air with no refrigeration.  It seems normal .  I guess when I eat with the Afghans, I'm eating this meat and I haven't got sick yet.   They kill it daily, so it's not like it hangs there for days...I don't think. 


Av loren adams - 16 december 2014 09:39


Afghans have the most interesting paint jobs on their trucks.  They call them jingle trucks, because of all the things hanging off the front and the black tassels you see in the's to ward off evil spirits.


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